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Friday 12 January 2018

Follow These Step And To Be Attractive

An attractive person is that who gains attention by people , or is that who people find interesting. What is being king smart or wearing attractive clothes. Everyone has a different view of what an attractive person would be . Overall being attractive is not just having good looks but it also calls for a good personality.

All of us want to be liked by others and others would like us if they find us attractive. To be attractive is not something bad , it is a something you do for yourself. Below are listed down 5 easy steps which are a generalized way of how you could be attractive.


Your smile is the best makeup you could ever put. A smile can shatter all the hatred and can attract other people. Studies have shown that both boys and girls find the smile the most attractive in the opposite gender. Whether you are dark or fair, thin or fat short or tall it doesn't matter if there is a smile on your face you will always look beautiful or handsome.

2.Smell nice or don't smell at all.

After your smile most people are attracted to other people who smell good. You could use a deodorant or a scent or a body spray with a good fragrance to smell good. This is a must if you have a body odor problem. If you don't and you don't want to use body spray its perfectly fine , but if you out for a long time or in the sun you should use it. Body spray not only keeps you away from body odor but also keeps you fresh .

3.Dress for style and not for attention.

When you dress up for any occasion, you should wear something you are comfortable with not because you are forced to wear it. You could wear clothes according to your style its okay if its different from others. But do not dress up just to gain attention from others. People are attracted to modesty and simplicity. Always be neat and clean in your dressing , especially when you go to work or a formal occasion. Dressing well not only attracts attention by people but also make you feel good from within.

 Speak the truth and also show it in your actions.

People find those people instantly likable who show honesty in their words and actions. Boasting about oneself can make you unattractive. Show the true side of you, don't try to fake it. It will only make things worse later on when your truth is revealed. And also be honest in your actions don't talk nicely but act rudely to others. congruence is always appreciated, that is your words and actions should be similar.

5. Always say thank you and return favors.

You would be considered attractive if you appreciate peoples favors by a thank you and return those favors with a kind help when they need it. Also you should appreciate others for their looks or food they provide or anything which you consider nice with a compliment . Your compliment mighty brighten their day and create interest in you.

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