Everything About Health And Technology

Sunday 21 January 2018

How to Disconnect Social Media From Life B Your Self Part2

Treat electronics and the Internet like an addiction - When someone likes your post on Facebook, it releases endorphins, much like alcohol or food. If you use the Internet more than 30 hours per week, you may consider talking to an addiction counselor. [2]People who use the Internet for their social interaction for more than 30 hours per week are at higher risk for suicide if they cut off their Internet use. It is especially bad for people who are forced to stop using the Internet. 

2.Choose 1 night per week when you are “off-call” for work. If you work more than 40 hours per week, suggest that your entire team has an off-call night when they don’t check emails or take work calls.

3.Ask family members to join your goal to disconnect. Don’t force them. By forcing teenagers to quit using electronics, you will encourage defiance, so just get out of the house and ask your kids to put their phones away when they are outside of the house. 

4.Find a place, such as a beach or state park that doesn’t have cell phone reception. Go there a few hours a week and enjoy forced disconnectivity. 

5.Use your email vacation reply at night.Set it every night before you leave the office, so there isn’t a pressure to get back on your phone to answer personal or professional emails.Pick 1 or 2 nights each week when you attend to personal emails.

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